Monday, February 28, 2011

FTFT#4: "A Vintage Affair" by Isabel Wolff

No it is not "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest".  I wish it was, but I am having trouble getting my hands on a copy.  I borrowed the first two from my sister when I was home over Christmas, but she was still reading the third.  But never fear I have requested it from my friendly local public library and I hope to have it in my hands before March is out. 

So I started one book that I had lying around the house and was very excited about it, and then I made the mistake of going to the library.  I always defer to library books over my own personal copies, because I like the excitement of a time limit.  Also, if I see something interesting at the library, I must grab it.   I cannot guarentee that I will find it again.  This has caused me to go home with armfuls of books in the past.  I was really bad about that in college and I would keep them all semester because I worked at the circulation desk and would just continually renew them.

So "A Vintage Affair" was an impulse library grab off the 7 Day Shelf.  After a month of being seeped in the "Men who Hate Women" theme, I was looking for something light and fluffy.  This book was not as light and fluffy as I thought on a first glance, but had a warm, inviting feel with a touching story of loss, grief, and renewal.  It was light without being vapid and it was thought-provoking without hurting my brain.  It was a quick read that I did not want to put down.

Find it on Amazon!

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