Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 10: Running, Running, Running

I hate to run. I hate every step. I hate that it is boring. I hate having to control my breathing. I hate what it does to my body.

Except when it makes my body smaller.

Before I continue my story, let me preface that I did this to myself. There is no one to blame for this but myself.

My wonderful college friend and sorority sister whom I will refer to as "The Petite Pundit" is a runner. She received that blessing genetically from her father. I come from a long line of non-runners. I don't even come from a long-line of swimmers. Swimming started in my father's generation with only him and his brother. I actually come from a long line of couch-dwellers: one one side those who sit and drink, and on the other side those who sit around and sing, draw, act, eat, but certainly not run. I have never been able to like running. My dumpy, slow-twitch body does not respond.

I have tried over the years to run. I have even been successful at it, but as with everything. Life gets in the way. And then I have to start over.

I have been starting over. This summer I have gotten on the treadmill several times and I can now run a mile on 4.3 without stopping. In fact today I ran 1.5 miles on 4.3 with out stopping. Yay me!

So I did bring up The Petite Pundit for a reason. In August, she was considering a half-marathon in November. I thought that was a great idea. She did a successful 10K in the spring. And you know how gung-ho I have become about getting out there and doing things. In a completely idiotic brain fart, these words came out of my mouth. (Ok, not my mouth, this was on facebook) "If you do the half, I'll do the 5K." Running a 5K is one of those bucket list things. Something that I feel I should be able to do, but really won't. Like learning Mandarin. Or how to knit.

But I'm in. The first weekend in November. 10 weeks from this week.


  1. Hey now... I am going to torture myself with you!!! Have you already signed up?

  2. Not yet. I am going to wait until my next paycheck. I signed up for the Pier-2-Pier swim (and my rent) with this last one.

  3. And I'm glad you're in! I wasn't sure you would have that weekend free. Yay!

  4. You can do it, Tammy! I used to hate running, too. I started running again, for real, in January. And hated it with the fiery hatred of shinsplints and side stitches and patello-femoral blahdeblah. But now I love it. Like, loooooooooove it. It took a several months (and some orthotics) before it felt good. Now I'm training for my first marathon!

    For some reason, I have decided that there is a triathlon in my future. A big one, in Hawaii, the year I turn 30. Which means I have to learn how to swim, because I'm not sure I ever made it past "minnow" status at Horseshoe Lake. Seriously. Have any advice, swim guru? (Want to join me in Hawaii?)
