Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: Goals are just dreams with deadlines....

I normally do not make resolutions. I am horrendously bad at keeping them. My follow-through track record is abysmal. So instead of resolutions, I am going to set "intents". That way I won't feel as bad if I do not follow through. My first intent is to not feel bad about myself if I fail. As a fellow blogger wrote....2011 will be a year of unbridled optimism.

1: Blogging. My intent is to write at least twice a week if not more and to not feel blocked because I do not think anyone else has any interest in what I have to say. I also want to try to write about something other than myself. I'm boring. But my kids are funny. Be prepared for lots more about swimming and my swimmers.

2: Swimming. USMS has a on-line program called Go The Distance. Last year, when I signed up in May, I just picked an random number of miles to complete for the year. I picked 100 miles. That was stupid. I finished the year with just about 66 miles. I felt like a failure. In reality, 66 miles of swimming in 7 months is pretty awesome. I would have even hit 100 if I had kept swimming after September. So I am going to try for 100 again this year, but starting in January instead. You see, setting myself up to succeed.

3: Running. I will never run a marathon. I don't want to. I will not be some crazy ultra-distance runner. I don't care that much. But much love and light to those who do and are. This is what I do want. I want to jump on the treadmill and run a couple of miles, a couple times a week. I do want to do a 5K a couple times a year. I want to be physically able to complete a triathlon. It is my intent to rebuild my running endurance (was destroyed by Christmas bout of bronchitis) and run 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes, until I can get back up to 3 miles.

4: Losing Weight. Though I do not like the way I look, I am used to it. My body and I have been fighting for a long 29 years, with my body winning the entire time. I just want to be skinny once before I have babies. My friend and Health Enhancement Director or the "Food Nazi", decided in December that she was going to put me on a diet. She is doing it with me of course, but she just wants to lose 10 pounds. My 30 pound goal is a little more daunting. We started this past Monday. We are essentially doing a modified South Beach. I was OK with that because I tried South Beach one summer in college and it worked. And then I went back to school and it all went down the drain. Today is Day 5. When I eat, I am not hungry but I am not nearly satisfied. Telling an emotional eater that she can't have bread or sugar is bad, but it is worse when she is single and very unhappy about it. It turns out that carbs contribute to serotonin production. I told SPD about that and laughed saying, "Oh Tammy, you are hungry and depressed!" I weigh myself for the first time on Tuesday. Don't hurt yourself stressing over the anticipation.

5: My job. My intent is to continue doing the best job I possibly can, keep my swimmers injury free, and make the best decisions I can. And to make it through the year without someone trying to get me fired.

If there is anyone still out there, share your intents for the new year, and I will intend to help keep you accountable!


  1. I read your blog Tammy! I signed up for the Go the Distance "event" too but had no idea what to set for a goal. You think 100 miles in a year is reasonable? I'm a little bit annoyed that the first milestone in the event is 50 miles - that's a far way to go! I'm planning on doing the One Hour Postal too. Last year I went 4662 yards, not sure if I'll be able to top that this year or not, but we'll give it a whirl!

  2. Yay Kacey! I really do think that 100 miles is reachable, especially if you are swimming over 2000 yards in a workout. I didn't reach 100 because I swam maybe three times after August. Once I finished that second 5000, I was so burned out and I had decided to train for the 5K. I just wasn't interested in swimming anymore. I am going to try to get this One Hour Postal done too. 4662 is an incredible swim! I just want to make it over 3500. I did my 3000 in just under 51 minutes. Happy Swimming to you!
