Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 2: Test Day

Normally I think I will do my test day on a Friday, I like the way it finishes out a week. I had to do this today because I leave tomorrow afternoon for a swim meet. I have been alternately excited about this and dreading this. I was excited because I knew that I could blow the time from the 1st 1000 of my test 5K out of the water. I was dreading it because I have had a sore throat since Sunday, have a had a dry throaty cough, and have been unable to breathe through my nose in two days. None of that was going to stop me though!

The Turvinator and I made an appointment for her to time my swim around 10 this morning. She would just be getting out of the water, then she would time my swim, and then she would head out for her training session. (She is doing the run leg of our still up-in-the-air triathlon relay.) I get to the YMCA from my morning practice at the outdoor pool and discover that ....... I don't have a swim suit. How is it possible that not only did I forget to bring a suit, that I don't have one in my size lying around my office, AND Turvy decided to bring home and wash the suit I lent her four months ago. Our best laid plans thwarted and we decided to try again at 2pm.

I did finally get in my swim, although my body did feel like it was completely made out of lead. My final time was 17:39.9. I was pretty pleased especially since I was gasping for breath the entire way and groaning on my turns. My splits ended up as this:

If I was doing a 500 it would have rocked. You can definitely tell that is where my body naturally wanted to stop. And then it wanted to stop again after the 800. I am hoping to get my body accustomed to distances longer than 500s. I also hope that very soon I will be able to take a deep breath without breaking into a coughing fit. Cheers!

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