Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 10: Mission #1 Accomplished


Official 500 Splits:

1000- 19:06.1
1500- 28.51.0
2000- 38.36.4
2500- 49.02.6
3000- 58.52.1
4000- 1:21:24.1
4500- 1:30:12.9

4 minutes faster.

Many thanks to the Twin Rivers YMCA Masters for making a this a fun morning!

Next up: 2010 Pier-2-Pier Ocean Swim in Wrightsville Beach.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 9: Major Milestone

Back in April when I decided to start training again, I made a commitment and became an actual member of United States Masters Swimming, or USMS. With this membership came all sorts of nifty things. My most favorite which is my very own flog. Flog, is fitness log. It is a calendar where I can log my fitness activities. There are many different options: cycling, spinning, running, weightlifting, yoga, etc. You choose the activities, enter a time and/or distance and it puts in on a calendar and also keeps running totals for the month for each activity. That is how I could very accurately recall all the workouts I have done in the past 9 days in my previous post.

The main focus is, of course swimming. There is also a little mini-challenge program called "Go the Distance". It asks you to set goals for the year and tracks your progress toward achieving them. It tracks the total mileage for the year and tells you how many miles you need to swim to achieve your goal, your percentage achieved, and most heartbreakingly, the pace you need to swim to achieve your goal by the end of the year. Back in April, a naive Tammy randomly entered 100 miles for her goal for 2010. My flog page has said" You'll need to pick up the pace to achieve your goal this year", and then the number of miles I should have already swum to achieve my 100 miles, since I started the damn thing. Motivating in a "Come on Lard-Ass! Can't you swim a couple more miles today? How hard can it be?" kinda way.

Today I noticed a new message. It said, "Most recent milestone achievement: 50 miles on 08/23." From April 11th through August 23rd, I swam 50 miles.

Me. I swam 50 miles.

Well, as of today it is 53.06.

Not bad for a Lard-Ass.

Week 9: Bad Tammy...Good Tammy

Bad Tammy- I've been a bad blogger.

Good Tammy - I've been great about working out!

My swim team has been on break for the last two weeks. That means vacation for me! Ok, not really. I could have taken some vacation time, but I went to Jersey earlier in the summer and I will be going to Debs and the Captain's wedding in NY State next weekend. So I have been working getting ready for the new season. I have been mighty productive. I feel prepared to start the season. More important than that, I have been working out like a fiend. With no practices to coach, I have been taking all of the exercise classes I cannot because they happen when I am on the pool deck. In the past 9 days, I have swum 9200 meters, run 2.14 miles, done two yoga classes, four 60 min cycle classes, 60 minutes on the Elliptical, and one water aerobics class. And two of those days were rest days where I did nothing.

My 5K is on Saturday, so I am trying valiantly to rest. I did my final 1000 test last Friday and I was really disappointed. My splits were as follows:
For a final time of 18:10.3. Sad Tammy.

So I have a couple of theories of why this was not good.

1: The day before I swam a early morning 600 to warm-up and loosen up, did an 60-min cycle class, and then ran 2.14 miles that night. I was so sore and tired Friday morning and definitely not recovered.

2: I did flip turns. I don't normally do flip turns. It messes up my groove. Please don't judge. I have just felt that I can swim farther and faster with out the flips. Now that I feel that my conditioning and feel is a whole lot better, I have started doing more and more flip turns during my swims. I really think that slowed me down a bit.

So I am not sure what is going to happen Saturday morning. Even though I haven't put in the yardage in the water that I wanted, I know that I am in much much better shape than I was in at the beginning of June.

Here's hoping for the best!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 8: Caution: Bragging ahead

We finally got pictures of the triathlon up on our website, so I picked out a couple of yours truly for display. You can see the entire 687 picture album at www.goldsboroymca.org.This is the only pic they got of me in my suit. (Thank you sweet Lord!)The only picture they got of me during the swim. I'm pretty sure this was taken right near the end, so I'm pleased that you can't see any of the agony on my face.I got the honors of handing out awards because everyone else was too chicken. Just another step in me becoming the voice (ummm....face?) of the Goldsboro Family YMCA. This is me presenting the 3rd overall Men to Frank, one of my swimming buddies. We joke that he doesn't do enough kick training. Upon handing him the award, he complained that they wouldn't let him kick the entire swim portion. And yes, he really is that tall.
Kriquette and I looking really serious because we thought we screwed something up. We didn't.Me presenting an award to Kristie, one of my swim team parents. Her two sons did a youth triathlon earlier in the summer. She did this one to prove to her sons that, Yes, she can do it too.The Turvinator sitting in the shade while the rest of us roast in the sun. It's her turn next year.
Joking while presenting my own team with our first place awards.Posing with my team. This was such a last-minute thing, but I am so glad that I did it.Me looking happy. Not necessarily attractive, but very very happy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 8: Affirmations

So far today, three different people have told me that I look skinny. If this keeps up, I might actually start believing them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 8: Making an effort

I wore a dress to work today. Three people didn't recognize me and two others were speechless. Thanks guys.

Going to attempt a 2000M swim this afternoon. I thought this would be a good idea for my legs considering I spent about five hours carrying boxes and furniture up two flights of stairs on Saturday. The entire time I kept alternating the following two mantras:

*I will be saving hundreds of dollars a month in rent after this move.
*I am burning many calories and will be skinny after this move.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 7: Back to the Grind

Wednesday's swim:

1100 Free @ 20:00

200 kick with board 25 fr-25 br

10 x 50 Fr @1:00

200 kick with board 25 fr-25 br

2000M ~ 50 minutes


hour-long cycle class dedicated to the genius of Prince
20 miserable minutes on the treadmill

I'm hoping to get in the water tomorrow, but I might not have time. I have an end-of-summer pool party for the swim team tomorrow night and I need to have my registration materials ready for distribution Monday.

In other life-altering news, The Turvinator and I move on Saturday!!! If anyone wants a great workout, we will be moving all of our material possessions from my 1st floor one-bedroom to our brand new 3rd floor two-bedroom. I will be supplying Krispy Kreme and Red Bull, as well as plenty of coffee. Coffee is for me. Red Bull is for the labor force, ie the Human Punching Bag and EB.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 7: Setting New Goals Before I Accomplish the First

My Summer-concluding official, "this-one-totally-counts" 5K swim will be swum on August 28th at 7am. The Masters team from the Twin Rivers YMCA in New Bern will be driving up to join me. There will be about nine of us swimming and at least two of the group will be swimming the 10K, because they swam the 5K earlier in the summer. That 10K is a maybe distance possibility for next summer, but lets get me through 2010 alive first.

In addition to my scheduled 5K, I am being pressured by my swimmers and CEO to participate in the Pier-2-Pier at Wrightsville Beach. This is a 1.71 mile ocean swim. Yay!

I also made the mistake of challenging one of my triathlon team members. I have been working with Chris on her swimming for a good part of the last year. While she has done several by herself, none of them have been open water for as long a distance of our sprint. I told her that this would be the last time I do this for her. Next year, she has to complete this sprint tri all on her own. Of course she spun on her heel and said sweetly, "Ok, but you have to as well."

Insert Foot Into Mouth. At least that will give me more humiliating training stories to share for the next 12 months.

Week 7: I am a bad bad blogger

I missed a full week. But it my defense it was a very eventful couple of weeks. Upon my last entry I had my sister visiting me and we spent the time in between me having to work laying out by the pool, eating, or drinking. And then I went out of town for a long weekend. I am full of excuses.

Here is a day by day recap of what you missed.

July 28- Practice. Recertifying Hilary in Lifeguarding and CPR with the assistance of my wonderful co-workers Sarah, Danielle and the Turvinator. Lunch. Grocery Store. Practice. Cookout with Debs and the Captain, Hilary, and Quiet Blonde Guy.

July 29 - Practice. Skip out on work before the lifeguard drill. Start the drive to NJ. Drive through DC instead of driving around. Make it to NJ without Hilary and I killing each other.

July 30- Drag Dad all around town looking for a black slip in size Medium. Impress my father with my quick decision-making skills while buying a new digital camera. Drive all around Morris County with Dan getting things in place for the wedding. Katie and Brian's Wedding. Four Cranberry and Vodkas.

July 31- Breakfast at the diner hungover....So Jersey. Seeing Inception with my sister. Sweet Jersey Corn on the Cob for dinner.

August 1 - 30th Annual Horseshoe Lake Lifeguard Competition. Drive back to NC. Am so achy and sore with headache that I have to stop at a rest area to get the Tylenol out of my bag in the trunk. Am faced head on with my oldness. Make it home to NC feeling very old and sorry for myself.

August 2 - Practice. Nap. Practice. The Turvinator's old roommate and her boyfriend move all of The Turvinator's material possessions into my one bedroom apartment.

August 3- Practice. Nap. Agree to swim in the 25th Annual Goldsboro Family YMCA Sprint Triathlon. 20 minutes of yoga with Bryce and Logan. Practice. Sleep.

August 4- Practice. Swim 1500M in prep for the coming week's impressive feats of physical fitness. Nap like a corpse. Work. Practice. Dinner with Debs and the Captain.

August 5- Practice. Nap. The Captain's going-away lunch. Cycle class with the swim team that made my legs hurt for three days. Practice.

August 6- Practice. Swim 2000M that make me feel like a rock star and a little less frightened about a half-mile open water race. Errands and Prep for the Triathlon. Practice.

August 7- Sprint Triathlon. I was on a team and I swam the swim leg. My official time was 15:09 which I was really proud of. My swim time was 12th out of all 92 participants. Again, felt like a rock star. My team got first place for female teams. We were the only female team, but I still got to take home a plaque. Suck it skinny bitches. Nap like a corpse. Celebrate my impressive feats of physical fitness with the Turvinator with bikinis and drinks by the pool. Cookout dinner with The Turvinator and the Human Punching Bag (HPB). Crash on the couch and watch "Once".

Sidebar: If you have not seen Once and believe in the transformative power of music, OMG you have to go right out and see it. It is quiet, but incredibly powerful. It tells such an incredible story with very little dialogue. It is essentially the story of how the power of music can bring souls together. I am so serious about this. It made me want to cry the music was just so incredible. GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!

August 8- Sleep in. Eat breakfast. Watch TV. Nap. Grocery Store. Pride and Prejudice and starting to pack. Dinner. Watch TV. Sleep. Super Productive Sunday.

August 9- Practice. Lots and lots of work. Practice. Run two miles on the treadmill. Suck on that skinny bitches!