Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 8: Caution: Bragging ahead

We finally got pictures of the triathlon up on our website, so I picked out a couple of yours truly for display. You can see the entire 687 picture album at is the only pic they got of me in my suit. (Thank you sweet Lord!)The only picture they got of me during the swim. I'm pretty sure this was taken right near the end, so I'm pleased that you can't see any of the agony on my face.I got the honors of handing out awards because everyone else was too chicken. Just another step in me becoming the voice (ummm....face?) of the Goldsboro Family YMCA. This is me presenting the 3rd overall Men to Frank, one of my swimming buddies. We joke that he doesn't do enough kick training. Upon handing him the award, he complained that they wouldn't let him kick the entire swim portion. And yes, he really is that tall.
Kriquette and I looking really serious because we thought we screwed something up. We didn't.Me presenting an award to Kristie, one of my swim team parents. Her two sons did a youth triathlon earlier in the summer. She did this one to prove to her sons that, Yes, she can do it too.The Turvinator sitting in the shade while the rest of us roast in the sun. It's her turn next year.
Joking while presenting my own team with our first place awards.Posing with my team. This was such a last-minute thing, but I am so glad that I did it.Me looking happy. Not necessarily attractive, but very very happy.

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