Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 7: I am a bad bad blogger

I missed a full week. But it my defense it was a very eventful couple of weeks. Upon my last entry I had my sister visiting me and we spent the time in between me having to work laying out by the pool, eating, or drinking. And then I went out of town for a long weekend. I am full of excuses.

Here is a day by day recap of what you missed.

July 28- Practice. Recertifying Hilary in Lifeguarding and CPR with the assistance of my wonderful co-workers Sarah, Danielle and the Turvinator. Lunch. Grocery Store. Practice. Cookout with Debs and the Captain, Hilary, and Quiet Blonde Guy.

July 29 - Practice. Skip out on work before the lifeguard drill. Start the drive to NJ. Drive through DC instead of driving around. Make it to NJ without Hilary and I killing each other.

July 30- Drag Dad all around town looking for a black slip in size Medium. Impress my father with my quick decision-making skills while buying a new digital camera. Drive all around Morris County with Dan getting things in place for the wedding. Katie and Brian's Wedding. Four Cranberry and Vodkas.

July 31- Breakfast at the diner hungover....So Jersey. Seeing Inception with my sister. Sweet Jersey Corn on the Cob for dinner.

August 1 - 30th Annual Horseshoe Lake Lifeguard Competition. Drive back to NC. Am so achy and sore with headache that I have to stop at a rest area to get the Tylenol out of my bag in the trunk. Am faced head on with my oldness. Make it home to NC feeling very old and sorry for myself.

August 2 - Practice. Nap. Practice. The Turvinator's old roommate and her boyfriend move all of The Turvinator's material possessions into my one bedroom apartment.

August 3- Practice. Nap. Agree to swim in the 25th Annual Goldsboro Family YMCA Sprint Triathlon. 20 minutes of yoga with Bryce and Logan. Practice. Sleep.

August 4- Practice. Swim 1500M in prep for the coming week's impressive feats of physical fitness. Nap like a corpse. Work. Practice. Dinner with Debs and the Captain.

August 5- Practice. Nap. The Captain's going-away lunch. Cycle class with the swim team that made my legs hurt for three days. Practice.

August 6- Practice. Swim 2000M that make me feel like a rock star and a little less frightened about a half-mile open water race. Errands and Prep for the Triathlon. Practice.

August 7- Sprint Triathlon. I was on a team and I swam the swim leg. My official time was 15:09 which I was really proud of. My swim time was 12th out of all 92 participants. Again, felt like a rock star. My team got first place for female teams. We were the only female team, but I still got to take home a plaque. Suck it skinny bitches. Nap like a corpse. Celebrate my impressive feats of physical fitness with the Turvinator with bikinis and drinks by the pool. Cookout dinner with The Turvinator and the Human Punching Bag (HPB). Crash on the couch and watch "Once".

Sidebar: If you have not seen Once and believe in the transformative power of music, OMG you have to go right out and see it. It is quiet, but incredibly powerful. It tells such an incredible story with very little dialogue. It is essentially the story of how the power of music can bring souls together. I am so serious about this. It made me want to cry the music was just so incredible. GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!

August 8- Sleep in. Eat breakfast. Watch TV. Nap. Grocery Store. Pride and Prejudice and starting to pack. Dinner. Watch TV. Sleep. Super Productive Sunday.

August 9- Practice. Lots and lots of work. Practice. Run two miles on the treadmill. Suck on that skinny bitches!


  1. there's so much jerz in this... love it...

  2. 10 years in North Carolina hasn't oppressed the Jersey out of me. I don't think it ever will!
